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Aswatha Biju

Factors that exist around the world has its own evolutionary history, even Natural non-living things that make up our environment abides to its own evolutionary history. But, What about us ?? do we have an accurate evolution story ?? did we really evolve from monkey ?? did it take a very long time to completely evolve ?? in order to seek answers for such questions we must travel back through time and observe certain ecological and biological factors of the Cenozoic era - Fall of Dinosaurs and dawn of Mammals. Though Mammals had been living for quite a long span of era their diversity increased during the Cenozoic era. Right after the 5th mass extinction there were less probability of life returning back. Yet, Nature's strength gave birth to new life that was even more powerful ' THE DAWN OF MAMMALS'. According to researchers right after the 5th mass extinction, earth was completely filled with rotten animals and skeletal remains there were zero trace of life both in terrestrial and marine region. The soil turned rotten yet had fossilized fungal spores and pollen grains preserved.Yet, there were no trace of mammals existence. Evidences of Fern led us to understand the birth of new life, Fossil evidences of Palm defined development of thick, bushy and lush green forest. Without Mammals re-incarnation evolution wouldn't end so, what's the final point ?? did they find Mammal fossils ?? Yes, they did find numerous mammal skull and jaw well preserved in concretions. The first mammal fossil reported was 300,000 years old it was a fossilized skull of Baioconodon Mammal. Soon they found a beaver like creature Taeniolabis fossilized skull aged 700,000 years. This dramatic life change resulted in the formation of such big Mammalian diversity's chart. We the giant Mammal too evolved from rodent like creature that's a mammal. The earliest known ancestors of the mammal lineage are thought to have evolved from nocturnal, rodent like creatures that evolved much earlier than previously thought. Now we finally know how long it took for us to evolve then what's the next step to be taken should repay our courtesy to Nature and Earth or should keep practicing ill deeds ? It's time to realize a life's importance. We are one kind of organism who has the ability to change circumstances it's up to us to take decisions. Henceforth; let's understand there is always two divergent roads in life the wiser we choose the happier we could live. CHOOSE THE RIGHT PATH TO SERVE AND SAVE OUR EARTH'S FUTURE.

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