Ammonites, Nautilus, Squid, Belemnites, and Octopus comes under the same class CEPHALOPODA yet, their body features vary. One among them is Nautilus. Nautilus is a group of organisms that have gas-filling chambers and 90 tentacles known as Appendages. Furthermore;they don't have suckers on their tentacles so they capture food by wrapping several tentacles around its prey and pull towards its mouth. These species reproduce via internal fertilization. Male Nautilus has modified tentacles that they use to pass sperm to females later;females attach eggs to hard substrates on the seafloor where they remain for up to a full year until they hatch. Juveniles have a well-developed tiny test. The chambered Nautilus is one of the longest-living Cephalopods that can live up to 20 years and lay eggs multiple times. Since they are under the greatest threat of extinction researchers are trying to grow Nautilus in aquariums and give birth to juveniles thus, it can retain its diversity.
Aswatha Biju